In lightof the increasing number of ailments and nutritional deficiencies, we often see health experts stressing on the importance of Organic Food. Let’s take a look at how the concept has evolved in recent times.
So What is Organic?
In coherence with what the name suggests, Organic Food is grown in its natural course without the use of pesticides and fertilizers. It is 100% chemical-free. At Satvyk, we have farmers across India who practice Organic cultivation, have periodic inspections and are subject to stringent safety regulations.
Going back to the Start
Even though The Organic Food industry primarily targets the younger and savvier audience, many traditional methods are employed in farming. For example, Satvyk has a network of women self-help groups, and they perform stone-grinding and hand-pounding to prepare lentils, flour and rice.
All our products are sourced from different states based on their specialty, to retain the native goodness of the produce.
How to Make The Right Choice
A visit to the supermarket is enough to confuse you. All shelves are stocked with product labels reading ‘Organic’ or ‘Bio’, and it might seem overwhelming at first blush. It is important to do your homework before making a purchase.
Research about the company you are buying from, their practices, philosophy and vision. Read food labels to understand the composition of the product. Buying Organic food, which is also local, is ideal. Satvyk enables you to also visit the farm where your food is grown.
To learn more about Organic products, please visit us at